Technical Support

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Tech Support

Technical Support Overview

Opticon provides technical support for all of our products and accessories.

Online Technical Support

For online technical support for Opticon products, use this web site's search function to locate the page of the product you are interested in.  You will find product documentation and software downloads. For additional, more detailed technical information, visit the Opticon technical support knowledge base.

Contact Us

For additional help, contact us. Opticon's technical support staff is available Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. PST. Email us or call 1.800.636.0090 x2127.

Please note, Opticon Technical Service will require the model and serial number of the units you wish to have support on.

For technical support outside of the USA, and Canada email Opticon Sensors Europe.


Opticonfigure is an online version of our Universal Menu Book. It can be used to create custom and condensed printouts of your desired settings for quick reference and setup.

Quick Connect Codes

Quick Connect Codes are used by our Bluetooth or IEEE 802.15.4 (2.4 GHz) wireless barcode readers to connect to a host device rather than the traditional discovery/pairing method.

  •  (OPL2724, OPL9712, OPL9724, OPN2002, OPR3101) (Select Browse > Tools > Bluetooth Address from the left-hand menus at and enter your Bluetooth Address to generate a Quick Connect Barcode.)


Video Tutorials

Please visit our YouTube Channel for video tutorials on common questions for our barcode scanners

Connecting to Bluetooth

Companion Application

Configuration (Opticonfigure)

Knowledge Base Page

Load Firmware

Reset Companion Scanner / Turn on & off Beeper