H16 Windows Mobile Smartphone
The H16B is a high-performance quad-band Windows Mobile 5.0 phone with an integrated scan engine, a slide-out QWERTY keypad and multiple modes of wireless communication (GSM/GPRS/EDGE, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth).
H16B product highlights include:
- slide-out QWERTY keypad
- 2.8-inch, TFT color LCD touchscreen display that facilitates signature capture
- IEEE 802.11 b/g Wi-Fi
- Bluetooth v1.2 with a range up to 10
- GSM/GPRS/EDGE support
- Rechargeable 4.2V, 1440 mAh Li-ion battery
Software Downloads
Windows Mobile Firmware
Flash Image: REL IRIS 081007
Windows XP Firmware Upgrade Utility: REL IRIS 081007
Barcode Scanner Firmware
The H16B (imager) device features the Opticon MDI 1000 2D CMOS scan engine. Contact technical support for information on firmware upgrades.
ActiveSync and Windows Mobile Device Center
Windows Mobile devices require either Microsoft ActiveSync or Microsoft Windows Mobile Device Center to communicate with a PC. Both applications serve the same purpose. The difference lies in which version of Windows you are using on your PC. If you use Windows XP or earlier please download ActiveSync. If you are using Windows Vista or Windows 7 please download Windows Mobile Device Center.
EULA Notice
The downloading and use of any Opticon software implies consent with Opticon's End User License Agreement.